"Do your best while you still have time" is Sintia's life motto. She has proven it through her various regional and national achievements during her study at the Culinary Arts Education Program of Study, Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (FPTK UPI).
The first daughter of the couple Mr H. Yatim Seto and Mrs Erni Sumarni achieved the highest grade point average (GPA) of 3.90 with a cum laude grade point and was named the best graduate for Bachelor degree in the Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (FPTK UPI at the 3rd Batch Graduation in 2020.
Sintia took a 4-year study period since she was accepted as a student through the UPI Independent Selection (UPI SM) in 2016. Sintia has been active in various student organizations, including in 2018-2019 served as Chair of the Resource Development and Organization Division of BEM HIMA PKK, 2019-2020 as a member of the Commission for Resource Development and Organization of the DPA HIMA PKK.
She also made several regional and national achievements. In 2018, Sintia won the 1st place in the National Level Competition for Milk Menu Creation in Commemoration of the 2018 Nusantara Milk Day which was held by the Indonesian Food Nutrition Committee which was attended by S-1 and S-2 Nutrition Indonesian students. In the same year, she received the Student Achievement Award 2018 from UPI. In 2019, Sintia participated in several championships including Semi-finalist Competition at the National Level Business Plan Competition (BPC) 2019 Creative Idea for Indonesia Golden Era 2045 at Udayana University Bali, Best Champion in Menu Creation Competition with the Theme of Creating Healthy and Nutritious Breakfast Menu Based on Local Food at Muhammadiyah University Jakarta. The 2nd winner in the 2019 National Business Plan Competition for The Ambassador of Business Edupreneur and the 2nd winner in the 2019 West Java Ethnic Food Canvass Business Model Competition organized by DISPERINDAG JABAR.
"I want to thank Allah SWT, who has given me so many favours and blessings. Thank you to my beloved parents, dear brothers and sisters, for all their advice, attention, support and affection. Thank you to all lecturers of the UPI FPTK Culinary Arts Education Program of Study, who patiently taught me and my friends, so much useful knowledge for our lives, and to all my friends, especially my friends who made the college years more colourful, "she concluded.
Sintia became one of 321 UPI FPTK students who took part in the graduation ceremony of the 3rd Batch of the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in 2020 for Diploma (D3) and Bachelor (S1) degrees and became a graduate representative of UPI FPTK to attend the Graduation Ceremony at Ahmad Sanusi UPI Building to receive a diploma directly given by the Dean of the UPI FPTK, Prof. Dr. Mokh. Syaom Barliana, M.Pd., M.T., as well as being the representative who made the Alumni Promise at the Year III Graduation Ceremony of 2020.
UPI Chancellor, Prof. Dr. M. Solehuddin, MA, inaugurated 4273 graduates who were divided at the D3 level, the S-1 (Bachelor) level, the S-2 (Masters) level, and the S-3 (Doctoral) graduates in the 3rd Batch Graduation Year 2020 which were held online through the Zoom Meeting application and Youtube Channel, Tuesday (13/10), due to COVID-19.