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Lecturer at the Department of Electrical Engineering Education, FPTK UPI, Introduces Distance Learning Strategies Using Online Media to Middle School Teachers

11 October, 2020

Lecturers of the Department of Electrical Engineering Education, Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education (DPTE FPTK), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) conducted a series of Community Service Program (P2M) at SMAN 12 Garut and SMKN 11 Garut. This program was officially opened on Wednesday, 23September, 2020 at SMAN 12 Garut which is located at Jl Raya Cisewu No. 35, Cisewu-Garut, where participants in this workshop were teachers from SMAN 12 Garut and SMKN 11 Garut by the Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering Education, FPTK UPI, Dr. Yadi Mulyadi, M.T., accompanied by the Head of SMKN 11 Garut, Drs. Anang Setiana, M.Pd., and Principal of SMAN 12 Garut, Rozak Mulyana, S.Pd, M.Pd. "The Community Service Program this time conducted by distance learning strategy training using online media which aims to provide learning during the New Habit Adaptation (AKB) period due to the COVID-19 pandemic," Yadi stated.

The Chairperson of the UPI FPTK DPTE further commented that the Community Service Program activity is an annual routine activity that is always conducted by the UPI FPTK DPTE as a form of service to the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, besides that P2M is also aimed at overcoming problems in society. The training held this time aims to help teachers, both in preparing teaching materials and using new teaching media during the COVID-19 pandemic. As an institution engaged in the education and teaching sector, the UPI FPTK DPTE aims to help overcome difficulties by providing this training as an answer and a solution to complaints from teachers in secondary schools in preparing teaching materials and difficulties in using learning media in pandemic conditions like this.

P2M activities are held by implementing a very strict standard health protocol for COVID-19 starting from checking the body temperature of the participants, wearing masks and face shields, using hand sanitizers, and implementing social distancing between participants.

In his remarks, the two principals welcomed and appreciated the Community Service activities initiated by the UPI FPTK P2M team. These community service activities are necessary especially in pandemic conditions, so schools in the regions can still carry out learning during the new habit adaptation period. It is hoped that activities like this can be carried out routinely.

In this P2M activity, seven lecturers from DPTE FPTK UPI presented as speakers in giving material and discussions. First by Dr. Dadang Lukman Hakim, M.T, where he discussed the Problem Testing material (Validity and Reliability), second by Dr. Yadi Mulyadi, M.T., discussed the readiness of teachers in facing the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The third by Didin Wahyudin, Ph.D discussed the training on making electronic learning media, the fourth was by Dr. Tasma Sucita, M.T., discussed counseling using the standard electrical equipment for teachers. The fifth by Dr. Hasbullah, M.T., discussed the test of questions (level of difficulty and differentiation), the sixth by Iwan Kustiawan, Ph.D., where he presented about finding effective learning resources on the internet, and lastly, Dr. Siscka Evyanti, M.T discussed classroom management during a pandemic.

At the end of the event the Chairperson of the UPI FPTK DPTE commented that in monitoring and evaluation, the UPI FPTK DPTE team would monitor the participants through a Zoom meeting application which will be scheduled in the future as an effort to maximize the results of this community service activities.