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Architecture Students of FPTK UPI Won the 1st Place in the ARCHICARE UI Competition for the Storing in Domestic Category

03 November, 2020

Three students of the Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (FPTK UPI) consist of Dean Ramadhan (Architecture 2018), Gilang Masri Anindito (Architecture 2018), and Aulia Mufti Adifa (Architecture 2018) won the 1st place in the Charity Competition: Archicare UI 2020 Architecture Charity Competition Exhibition organized by Science and Technology Development (PIPTEK) and Community Service (PENGMAS) Architecture Student Association Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia (IMA FTUI) 2020 #IMPRESIF in the category of Storing in Domestic, Friday (30/10/2020).

The team leader, Dean Ramadhan stated that the series of activities started with the Webinar Architecture Design Publicly and Domestically in Response to The New Normal. Then, it was continued with a national-level competition aimed at promoting the concept of best practices that could protect the health, safety, and welfare of the community for sustainable living in the new normal. The competition was divided into two categories, namely Sitting in Public and Storing in Domestic.

"The team takes part in both categories and makes it into the top 10 finalists in the Storing in Domestic category and finally gets the 1st Winner with the theme Compact Storage. The theme combines several functions of storage containers into one cupboard and is added with a portable work table on the right side, "said Dean.

According to the judges; Yu Sing (Akanoma Studio), Anton Siura (SIURA Studio) and Kristanti Dewi P (UI Academic), the design will later be put into realization as a strategy in the transition period to new normal and a form of concern for the community.