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DPTA FPTK UPI Successfully Holds International Conference in Architecture and Building Physics

13 November, 2020

Department of Architectural Engineering Education, Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (DPTA FPTK UPI )successfully held "The International E-Conference: Sustainable Environment and Architecture 2020 (SENVAR 20)" which was implemented virtually through the Zoom Meeting Application on Tuesday (10/11/20).

SENVAR was first conducted in 2000 by a group of Architecture Lecturers with an interest in sustainable development and building science. During the 20 years of its existence, SENVAR has bridged academics, researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and activists to share knowledge and studies on environmental change. It has become an important part in disseminating knowledge, particularly about sustainable architecture in the environment, "said Dr. Eng. Beta Paramita, S.T., M.T. as the chairman of the event committee.

The conference sponsored by the Ministry of National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and the International Building Performance Simulation (IBPSA) Indonesia and was also the first online SENVAR conference. However, the conference ran well and was successful. The conference is the result of collaboration between academics and researchers, especially in the fields of Building Physics and Architecture, from various institutions such as UPI, ITB, UGM, UI, ITS, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Trisakti University, Diponegoro University, Hasanuddin University, University of Kitakyushu, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta.

Keynote speakers who attended included the Dean of the School of Design, Construction and Planning, University of Florida, Prof. Chimay Anumba, Executive Director of the Global Cool Cities Alliance, Kurt Shickman, from the Research Center for Human Biometeorology of German Meteorological Service, Prof. Andreas Matzarakis, Dean of UPI's Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education, Prof. Dr. Mokhamad Syaom Barliana, M.Pd., M.T. The event was officially opened by Prof. Dr. Didi Sukyadi, M.A., as the Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

Dr. Eng. Beta Paramita, ST, MT, stated that the event had 300 participants from various educational backgrounds such as academics, engineers, practitioners, and researchers who came from 14 countries from all over the world, including Indonesia (222), Malaysia (10), America United (9), Thailand (8), United Arab Emirates (7), Argentina (3), India (3), Korea (3), as well as Germany, Turkey, Australia and Vietnam (1 participant each). "This conference has attracted 297 abstract submissions and 125 presented papers," she added.

The articles then went through a blind review process which would be published in Scopus indexed proceedings but also in indexed journals, JASE (Scopus Q3), GP (Scopus Q3) and IOP Conference Proceedings (Scopus). From the results of the review, 20 articles were selected to be submitted to the Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (JASE) and 15 selected articles to be submitted to Geographia Pannonica, as well as 90 articles to be submitted to the IOP Conference Series.

In the panel session were Prof. Hamdan Achmad from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Prof. Ravi Srinivasan from the University of Florida USA, Assoc. Prof. PawineeIamtrakul from Thammasat University Thailand, Assoc. Prof. Tetsu Kubota from Hiroshima University Japan, and Assoc. Prof. Baojie-He from the University of New South Wales Australia.

"As a continuation of SENVAR 20, SENVAR 21 will be held at the Sepuluh November Institute of Technology, Surabaya in 2021. Hopefully this activity will continue and experience improvements from year to year," concluded the Chief Executive. (Committee SENVAR20)