• Hari ini: December 02, 2024

Director General of Vocational Education Becomes a Speaker at AGROFEST 12 National Webinar

13 December, 2020

The Agroindustrial Technology Education Program of Study, Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (FPTK UPI) held a National Webinar in the AGROFEST 12 with a theme "Strategies to Strengthen Link and Match Between Vocational Education (Agriculture) and The Food Industry". The event was conducted virtually through the Zoom Meeting application, (29/11/20).

AGROFEST is an event that is held annually by the UPI FPTK Agroindustrial Technology Education Program of Study. The event was officially opened by the Director of the UPI Student Affairs Directorate, Prof. Dr H. Suwatno, M.Si.

432 participants attended the webinar. Participants came from various backgrounds ranging from university students of government-owned universities and private universities in Indonesia, students from various schools, academics, researchers, educators, and the general public.

This National Webinar also invited other speakers related to the themes raised including, Wikan Sakarinto, S.T., M.Sc., PhD as the Director-General of Vocational Education, Ir. Emil Satria, M.Si as Secretary of the Directorate General of Agro-Industry of the Ministry of Industry, Dra. Ida Yuniati Surtika, MM as the Principal of SMKN 1 Pacet Cianjur, Mr Thomas Jasman as Director of PT. Bumitangerang Mesindotama (unable to attend and represented by Internal Affairs, Yeni Wati T).

The Director General of Vocational Education Wikan Sakarinto, S.T., M.Sc., PhD, presented about the Link and Match of Vocational Education and Food Industry. Ir. Emil Satria, M.Si as Secretary of the Directorate General of Agroindustry of the Ministry of Industry talked about the National Agro-Industry Development Policy. While Yeni Wati presented about Qualifications of Vocational Education Graduates needed by the Food Industry. Dra. Ida Yuniati Surtika, MM as the Principal of SMKN 1 Pacet Cianjur talked about Vocational Education Strategies in Collaborating with the Food Industry.