Amid concern for the COVID-19 outbreak, the Deputy Dean for Finance and Human Resources, Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (FPTK UPI), Dr. Dedy Suryadi, M.Pd., Chaired the Dean Handover ceremony (Sertijab) of the FPTK UPI Dean from Prof. Dr. Mokh. Syaom Barliana, M.Pd., M.T., to Dr. Iwa Kuntadi, M.Pd., at the UPI FPTK Lobby, Monday (11/01/2021). The activity conducted offline which was attended by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, the Head of Administration, and the Head of Subdivision. It was also online through the Zoom Meeting application which was attended by lecturers and educational staff of FPTK UPI.
In his brief remarks, the Dean for the 2016-2020 term, Prof. Dr. Mokh. Syaom Barliana, M.Pd., M.T., would like to apologize to the lecturers, education staff, and students if during his tenure he was unfriendly, took unsatisfied actions and policies. "Thank you to all lecturers, education personnel and students who have collaborated to improve FPTK, contribute tremendously to developing FPTK and help lecturers, education staff and students to keep synergized, contribute to advancing FPTK in the future, help the new leaders so t FPTK remains victorious because this has been initiated by the previous leadership. Hopefully in the future FPTK will be better than now, especially in the context of developing FPTK UPI as the Center of Excellence, Vocational Teacher Technical Education, "he said.
On the same occasion, the Dean for the 2021-2025 term, Dr. Iwa Kuntadi, M.Pd, stated that the task given is a mandate in leading the institution. "It will be easy if we work hand in hand, cooperate in implementing every program and policy that has been established in our future leaders. We want to keep the academia happy, therefore, I invite them to always improve their performance and carry out their programs productively according to their respective capacities and fields so we can achieve the goals we expect. Thanks to Prof. Dr. Mokh. Syaom Barliana, M.Pd., M.T., who has dedicated full responsibility to this FPTK, so there is progress. Hopefully, we can continue the programs that have been well designed for the advancement of FPTK and UPI in the future, "he concluded.
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