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Internal Quality Audit Visitation (AMI) Family Welfare Education FPTK UPI Study Program

13 November, 2020

One of the activities to improve the quality, the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia conducts the Internal Quality Audit (AMI) program, including the Family Welfare Education Program of Study, Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education on Thursday, 12 November 2020.  Based on the legal basis, Chapter III Article 52 of Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education stated that (1) Higher Education Quality Assurance is a systemic activity to improve the quality of higher education in a planned and sustainable manner; 2) Quality assurance as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be carried out through stipulation, implementation, evaluation, control.

Located in the Family Welfare Education Program of the Study room, the second floor of Building B FPTK UPI. The AMI auditor team for the Family Welfare Education Program of Study includes Dr. Hj. Susi Gustina, M.Si. and Dr. Amir Mahmud, M, Si . The Auditor Team welcomed by Dr. Hj. Yani Achdiani, M.Si. as the Head of the Family Welfare Education Program of Study, Mirna Purnama Ningsih, S.Pd., M.Pd., as the Family Welfare Education Program of Study Quality Control Group, Dr. Ana, M.Pd., as Lecturer at the Family Welfare Education Program of Study and also as Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Dra. Hj. Tati, M.Si and Lia Shafira, M.Si, as Lecturers at the Family Welfare Education Program of Study.

The assessors said that the purpose of the AMI visitation was not merely to assess good or bad, but also to help the Departments and program of study to be better in the preparation and in conducting their duties.

The UPI Family Welfare Education Program of Study has prepared supporting documents for the AMI. Documents related to the learning process ranging from graduate profiles, curriculum changes, planning and learning processes, Research Activities and Community Service for lecturers, lecturer and student journals to student satisfaction and success.