The Industrial Automation and Robotics Engineering Education Program of Study (PTOIR), Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (FPTK UPI) held a Webinar with the theme âProspects and Challenges of Graduates in Industrial Automation and Robotics in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0.â This event is held virtually through the Zoom Meeting Application on Tuesday (27/10/20).
The speaker is Drs. Chrestian Mamesah, Dipl. Eng, M.Pd., Chairperson of the TEDC Bandung Polytechnic LSP and also an alumnus of the Electrical Department, FKIT IKIP Bandung (UPI).
In his remarks, the Head of UPI FPTK PTOIR Study Program, Dr. Hasbullah, S.Pd., M.T., hopes that this activity becomes a routine agenda in examining various issues regarding the development of science and technology, particularly in the fields of industrial automation and robotics which have become trends in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
"This activity is a means to socialize and publicize the existence of a new PTOIR Program of Study within the UPI FPTK which is one of the program of study in UPI that will develop a Center of Excelent (CoE) in the vocational field," he added.
This free webinar activity was attended by around 125 participants who were lecturers, students, practitioners, and researchers from various universities in Bandung and other areas such as UPI, ITB, ITENAS, TEDC Polytechnic.
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