The Agroindustrial Technology Education Program of Study, Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (FPTK UPI) held a National Essay Competition Presentation in the AGROFEST 12 event with the theme "Strategies to Strengthen Link and Match Between Vocational Education (Agriculture) and The Food Industry". The event was held virtually through the Zoom Meeting application, (28/11/20). The theme raised in this national essay competition is student contribution in the field of education and food.
This event is held annually by the Agroindustrial Technology Education Program of Study and officially opened by the FPTK Dean, Prof. Dr. Mokhamad Syaom Barliana, M.Pd., M.T.
"Thank you to the participants who have participated in this essay competition. An industry that has never been lost is the food industry, therefore, this field is always prospective to increase food diversity. Indonesia is very rich, so it must always be developed. It is necessary to make good use of opportunities in this activity. Good luck to the finalists who are going to present their work. Hopefully, the event will run smoothly and bring blessings, "said the Dean.
The national essay competition was attended by 43 participants who came from all regions in Indonesia. Existing participants come from various state and private universities in Indonesia. The essay competition was held as an arena to develop students' talent interest in the field of writing scientific papers. The jury for this essay competition, among others, dr. Ir. Burhanuddin, Muhammad Gilang Ramadhan, and Ir. Sondi Kuswaran., M.S.
The essay contest presentation was attended by several essay competition finalists. 8 participants successfully passed the scientific paper selection stage according to the judges' assessment. Finalists who passed including students from ITB, UNNES, ITS, UNS, UNBRAW, IPB, UNY and STIKES Ngudia Husada Madura. The eight finalists who passed the 43 previous applicants, could present the scientific paper in front of the jury, followed by questions and answers from the essay judges.
The first presentation was by Naretta Veronica from ITB with the title "Farmers Information System (Sisotan)" which is a web-based geographic information system as a provider of information on sustainable agricultural land.
"The advantage of this highlight is that GIS can visualize data that can be accessed by the public in real-time,"said Naretta.
The second presentation was by Elsa L. from Semarang State University with the title "Lemjar Bangga" (Neighboring Aid Learning Institute) as a forum for assistance to guide, teach, and mentor. The third presentation was by M. Arif Billah from ITS with the title I-SHAME: Innovation of Smart House Salt Maker Solar Cell Power for Sustainable National Salt Self-Sufficiency and Realization of SDGs 2030. The fourth presentation was by Wulandari from UNS with the title "Formation of Learning Classes and Providing Gardening Classes as Student Efforts to Help Elementary Students in Optimizing Distance Learning."The fifth presentation was by Putu Ardhika Pranaliwa and Muhammad Syarifuddin and Brawijaya University with the title "GREENFARM: Adaptation of Local Wisdom of the Bady Tribe in the Integration of Water Inflated Greenhouse and Digital Farming Market as Strengthening of Sustainable Food Security During and Post COVID-19."The sixth presentation was by Putri Rutbata Ulya from the Bogor Agricultural University with the title Education on the Utilization of Cassava and Corn to become BERUGUNG (Functional Rice Analig Made from Cassava and Corn) as a Form of Food Diversification with Construction Technology. The seventh presentation by Hafizh Akbar from UNY with the title Application of Digitalization and Extension of Hydroponic Agriculture to Prevent Food Crisis in the Covid-19 Era. The eighth presentation was by Nurul Soleha and Isna Alifatul from STIKES Ngudia Husada Madura with the title TEGAR (Tofu Sesbania Grandiflora with Sea Water Sari Coagulant).
The event was closed by giving certificates to the jury and picture-taking session.
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